Community analysis using rRNA gene reads

In this exercise we will analyse the taxonomic composition of your sample by utilising reads containing parts of 16S rRNA genes. Partial 16S rRNA genes will be extracted from the reads using the program sortmeRNA and these will subsequenctly be classified using the RDP classifier. Finally, the results will be visualised with the interactive program KRONA.


We will extract 16S rRNA encoding reads using sortmeRNA which is one of the fastest software for this. We start by making the necessary folders and assigning all necessary databases to a variable called DB:

mkdir -p ~/mg-workshop/results/phylogeny/16S/$SAMPLE
cd ~/mg-workshop/results/phylogeny/16S/$SAMPLE
ln -s ~/mg-workshop/data/$SAMPLE/reads/1M/${SAMPLE_ID}_1M.1.fastq reads.1.fastq
ln -s ~/mg-workshop/data/$SAMPLE/reads/1M/${SAMPLE_ID}_1M.2.fastq reads.2.fastq

SortMeRNA has built-in multithreading support that we will use for parallelization (-a). We still have to launch one sample at a time, though:

for readfile in reads.*.fastq;
do sortmerna --reads $readfile --ref $DB --fastx --aligned ${readfile}_rrna -v -a 2;

RDP classifier

sortmeRNA outputs the reads, or part of reads, that encode rRNA in a fasta file. These rRNA sequences can be classified in many ways. One option is blasting them against a suitable database. Here we use a simple and fast method, the classifier tool at RDP (the Ribosomal Database Project). This uses a naïve bayesian classifier trained on kmer frequencies of many sequences of defined taxonomies. It gives bootstrap support values for each taxonomic level - usually, the support gets lower the further down the hierarchy you go. Genus level is the lowest level provided. You can use the web service if you prefer, and upload each file individually, or you can use the uppmax installation of RDP classifier like this:

for file in *_rrna*.fastq;
do name=$(basename $file);
java -Xmx1g -jar /proj/g2015028/metagenomics/virtenv/rdp_classifier_2.6/dist/classifier.jar classify -g 16srrna -b $name.bootstrap -h $name.hier.tsv -o $name.class.tsv $file;


To get a graphical representation of the taxonomic classifications you can use Krona, which is an excellent program for exploring data with hierarchical structures in general. The output file is an html file that can be viewed in a browser. Again make a directory for Krona and run it, specifycing the name of the output file (-o), the minimum bootstrap support to use (-m) and that the two input files should be treated as only one (-c):

ktImportRDP -o -m 50 -c reads.1.fastq_rrna.fastq.class.tsv  reads.2.fastq_rrna.fastq.class.tsv

Copy the resulting file to your local computer with scp and open it a browser, like you did for the FastQC output.

Question: What’s the dominant type of organisms found in your sample?